The widespread use of 3D models has become an interest in steganography. In this paper, we present a novel data hiding method for 3D models. Based on the representation information, the key idea is to consider the vertex index as a message block. A message consists of three types of message blocks, namely, unique, repeated and 1-bit or 0-bit repetitions blocks. Three embedding methods, namely, vertex index embedding (VIE), dynamic-length bit-string mapping (DBM), and repeated bits embedding (RBE), each best for a respective type of message block are devised. All message vertices are then arranged in the light of proposed vertex order and output as the stego-model. The message block is extracted from the vertex of the stego-model by the order of vertex sequence and its index in the ordered vertex list. While integrating the proposed methods our scheme gains high capacity compared to existing techniques while preserving reasonable robustness. In addition, our method is efficient, 25 times faster than previous techniques. With high capacity, several novel applications like content annotation for large documents, 3D meta model for related resources, etc., becomes possible, making the 3D model as an excellent data container.