In Tayside, migmatisation of kyanite zone Argyll and Southern Highland Dalradian metasediments occurred between the regional D2 and D3 episodes in the Grampian orogeny. The U-Pb zircon age for the emplacement of the 'Older' Ben Vuirich Granite (514 + 6/-7 Ma), which intervenes between D2 and D3, provides an approximate age for migmatisation. This is significantly younger than recent isotopic ages of migmatites from the W Scottish Highlands with which the Tayside migmatites were previously correlated. In Tayside, migmatisation largely post dated the development of the Tay nappe but pre-dated the late-stage modification of the Tummel steep belt and the Loch Tay inversion. Textural evidence indicates that migmatisation was broadly coeval with the climactic Barrovian metamorphism, the age of which is discussed.Migmatites commonly occur in the higher grade cores of metamorphic belts. In Scotland, Barrow (1893) assumed a causal relationship between the 'Older' Granites, which include migmatites (Harry 1958), and the surrounding metamorphic zones defined by index minerals. More recently this view has been disputed (e.g. Johnson 1963, p.133) and the relationship of early granites to migmatisation has remained problematical.Modern work in the NE Highlands has focused attention on the relative age of migmatitic features and the growth of porphyroblasts. On textural grounds, most workers concur with Chinner's (1966) proposal of a sillimanite-migmatite overprint on the earlier climactic pattern of zones characterised in their highest grade by kyanite (Barrovian) and andalusite (Buchan). This overprint has been related to the emplacement of the Newer Basic rocks (Ashworth 1972(Ashworth , 1975). Thus, the emplacement age of the Newer Basic rocks, possibly as young as 480 Ma (Pankhurst & Pidgeon 1976), would provide an approximate age for the sillimanite-migmatite event and a minimum age for climactic Dalradian metamorphism in NE Scotland.This paper considers the time relationship between deformation events and migmatisation within the kyanite zone outside the sillimaniteoverprint area.