Wikidata is rapidly emerging as a key resource for a multitude of online tasks such as Speech Recognition, Entity Linking, Question Answering, or Semantic Search. The value of Wikidata is directly linked to the rich information associated with each entity -that is, the properties describing each entity as well as the relationships to other entities. Despite the tremendous manual and automatic efforts the community invested in the Wikidata project, the growing number of entities (now more than 100 million) presents multiple challenges in terms of knowledge gaps in the graph that are hard to track. To help guide the community in filling the gaps in Wikidata, we propose to identify and rank the properties that an entity might be missing. In this work, we focus on entities with a dedicated Wikipedia page in any language to make predictions directly based on textual content. We show that this problem can be formulated as a multi-label classification problem where every property defined in Wikidata is a potential label. Our main contribution, Wiki2Prop, solves this problem using a multimodal Deep Learning method to predict which properties should be attached to a given entity, using its Wikipedia page embeddings. Moreover, Wiki2Prop is able to incorporate additional features in the form of multilingual embeddings and multimodal data such as images whenever available. We empirically evaluate our approach against the state of the art and show how Wiki2Prop significantly outperforms its competitors for the task of property prediction in Wikidata, and how the use of multilingual and multimodal data improves the results further. Finally, we make Wiki2Prop available as a property recommender system that can be activated and used directly in the context of a Wikidata entity page.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Wikis; • Information systems → Incomplete data; Network data models; • Computing methodologies → Supervised learning.This paper is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license. Authors reserve their rights to disseminate the work on their personal and corporate Web sites with the appropriate attribution.