inantly small-angle collisions. 14 ' 16 For such normal-process collisions, second sound cannot be expected to occur, and, in fact, no indication of second sound or even of an approach to second sound is seen in the data.The data for both the 0.4-in. diameter and the 0.1-in. diameter heat source show no essential difference. The larger heat source would be the more likely one for which second sound might be observed. The ratios of input pulse width to transit times in the f-cm crystal were ~0.1 and 0.05 for the longitudinal and transverse pulses, respectively. Thus most of the external conditions for this experiment were rather similar to those employed in the recent experiment on solid helium for which the observation of second sound has been reported. 4 Even though there is not necessarily a direct conflict between these two results (since the role of phonon collisions may be quite different in the two materials), it would be of considerable interest to extend the solidhelium results to lower temperatures to investigate the transition from the reported behavior to the expected ballistic flow at the ordinary sound velocity.
* Partially supported by U. S. Army Electronics Com-We wish to report in this Letter the preliminary results of our de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) investigation of the Fermi surface of nickel. Several models have recently been proposed for the ferromagnetic nickel band structure. 1 " 5 In general, these models are quite similar in their gross features but differ in detail. This similarity is expected since rather stringent limitations are placed on any proposed model. The exchange interactions are small compared with the crystal potential so that one assumes that the ferromagnetic band structure can be obtained from the paramagnetic band structure 6 * 7 by considering the exchange splitting as a perturbation. In addition, the resulting model mand,