DOI: 10.1111/jonm.13059
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Dealing with ethical issues in rehabilitation medicine: The relationship between managerial support and emotional exhaustion is mediated by moral distress and enhanced by positive affectivity and resilience

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Cited by 40 publications
(59 citation statements)
References 39 publications
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“…The leaders should help and support the healthcare staff to make a morally challenging decision in the current pandemic. This could be achieved through discussion based on Schwarz rounds (Katz et al, 2020;Maffoni et al, 2020), which allows healthcare workers to openly discuss the social and emotional challenges they are facing during patient care. Leaders are human, too, supportive leaders make it possible to protect their follower's mental health (Jones et al, 2012).…”
Section: The Role Of Supportive Leadershipmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The leaders should help and support the healthcare staff to make a morally challenging decision in the current pandemic. This could be achieved through discussion based on Schwarz rounds (Katz et al, 2020;Maffoni et al, 2020), which allows healthcare workers to openly discuss the social and emotional challenges they are facing during patient care. Leaders are human, too, supportive leaders make it possible to protect their follower's mental health (Jones et al, 2012).…”
Section: The Role Of Supportive Leadershipmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…56 A strong ethical climate represents a protective factor against moral distress. 57 Consultation with colleagues was viewed as the best strategy for coping with moral distress, based on the results of our study and others. [17][18][19][20][21] The majority of our sample experienced fear when physicians were present, which was also reported by Pendry.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 87%
“…Based on the two tenets of COR theory, we suggest that OCB has an inverted U-shaped relationship with citizenship fatigue. According to the resource conservation tenet ( Hobfoll, 1989 , 2001 ; Hobfoll et al, 2018 ), when people lose resources at work, they are more likely to experience job burnout and negative physical or psychological impacts ( Halbesleben et al, 2014 ; Baranik et al, 2019 ; Maffoni et al, 2020 ; Merino et al, 2021 ). Therefore, we argue that when the level of OCB increases from low to moderate, individuals are confronted with the increasing loss of critical resources (e.g., time, cognitive resources, and emotional resources) ( Bergeron, 2007 ), they lack the energy to maintain their normal functioning at OCB, eventually leading to the increase in citizenship fatigue ( Bolino et al, 2015 ; Qiu et al, 2020 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The fact that employees become more defensive in their resource investment strategies when they lose resources has been widely supported ( Halbesleben and Wheeler, 2015 ; Maffoni et al, 2020 ; Sommovigo et al, 2020 ). In addition, an increasing body of research has demonstrated that resource depleted employees may engage in unethically behaviors, such as workplace deviance ( Christian and Ellis, 2011 ), cheating ( Welsh and Ordóñez, 2014 ), need-related unethical behavior ( Yam et al, 2014 ), customer sabotage ( Shao and Skarlicki, 2014 ) and incivility ( Sommovigo et al, 2020 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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