Draft ManuscriptAuthors may post the final draft of their work on open, unrestricted Internet sites or deposit it in an institutional repository when the draft contains a link to the bibliographic record of the published version in the ASCE Library or Civil Engineering Database. "Final draft" means the version submitted to ASCE after peer review and prior to copyediting or other ASCE production activities; it does not include the copyedited version, the page proof, or a PDF of the published version. varied from 80 to 130 years, and all but one were constructed using clay brick masonry with 6 timber floor and roof diaphragms. The fourth building was a reinforced concrete frame structure 7 with pre-cracked clay block partition walls in addition to partition walls that appeared 8 undamaged. The test program was comprised of testing five one-way vertically spanning solid 9 URM walls from the group of three URM buildings and testing four two-way spanning URM 10 partition walls from the reinforced concrete frame building. All walls were tested with their 11 original support conditions, but three one-way spanning walls were additionally re-tested with 12 modified support conditions. These additional tests allowed the effects of wall support type to be 13 investigated, including the influence of a concrete ring beam used at the floor levels and the 14 influence of wall to timber diaphragm anchorage by means of grouted steel rods. Several walls 15 were next retrofitted by adding either near-surface mounted (NSM) carbon fiber reinforced 16 polymer (FRP) strips or NSM twisted steel bars (TSB), and were then re-tested.