The thermal degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) featuring fully substituted bromines was investigated over an as-prepared Fe 3 O 4 micro/nano-material at 300°C. Degradation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with k obs =0.15 min −1 higher than that for decachlorobiphenyl (CB-209). Twenty-six newly produced polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were identified using the available PBDE standards, while four PBDE congener products were predicted using third-order polynomial regression equation. Analysis of the products indicated that BDE-209 underwent stepwise hydrodebromination over as-prepared Fe 3 O 4 . S i m i l a r t o t h e c a s e f o r C B -2 0 9 , t w o i n i t i a l hydrodebromination steps are favored at the BDE-209 metapositions, giving the major products BDE-207 and BDE-197. However, the variance about the preferred products began to emerge from the start of heptabromodiphenyl ethers (heptaBDEs). The majorly produced hepta-BDE isomer with BDE-183 is unbrominated at one ortho-position. However, this is different from the reported degradation of CB-209, which always produced the products chlorinated at all four ortho-positions until the ortho-position had to be removed for the formation of trichlorobiphenyls and dichlorobiphenyl still majorly chlorinated at three or two ortho-positions. The early BDE-209 hydrodebromination steps appear to be strongly influe nced by ster ic effe cts, wher eas su bsequ ent hydrodebromination steps, as more bromine atoms are removed, will be gradually governed more by thermodynamics.