Novel relativistic expressions are used to calculate the weak decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons within the constituent quark model. Meson wave functions satisfy the quasipotential equation with the complete relativistic potential. New contributions, coming from the negative-energy quark states, are substantial for the light mesons, significantly decrease the values of their decay constants and, thus, bring them into agreement with experiment. For heavy-light mesons these contribution are much less pronounced, but permit to reduce uncertainties of the predicted decay constants. Their values agree with the results of lattice calculations and experimental data. The weak decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons belong to their most important characteristics, which enter in various decay rates. Many efforts were undertaken to calculate these constants within lattice QCD (both quenched and unquenched) [1,2,3,4,5,6], QCD sum rules [7,8,9], and constituent quark models [10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. At present, the decay constants of light mesons are measured with high precision, while in the heavy-light meson sector only D and D s meson decay constants are available with rather large errors [17]. Recently, a relatively precise experimental value for the D meson decay constant was presented by the CLEO Collaboration [18]. Therefore it is actual to reconsider the meson decay constants treating quarks, composing the meson, in a consistently relativistic way. Such procedure was formulated and successfully applied for light mesons in the papers [19]. In this letter we evaluate new contributions to relativistic expressions for the meson decay constants coming from the negative-energy quark states both for light and heavy-light mesons. We use the meson wave functions satisfying the quasipotential equation with the complete relativistic potential in order to obtain new, more accurate predictions for the meson decay constants.In the quasipotential approach a meson is described by the wave function of the bound quark-antiquark state [20], which satisfies the quasipotential equation of the Schrödinger