In this work we investigate, by means of direct numerical hyperviscous simulations, how rotation affects the bidimensionalization of a turbulent flow. We study a thin layer of fluid, forced by a two-dimensional forcing, within the framework of the "split cascade" in which the injected energy flows both to small scales (generating the direct cascade) and to large scale (to form the inverse cascade). It is shown that rotation reinforces the inverse cascade at the expense of the direct one, thus promoting bidimensionalization of the flow. This is achieved by a suppression of the enstrophy production at large scales. Nonetheless, we find that, in the range of rotation rates investigated, increasing the vertical size of the computational domain causes a reduction of the flux of the inverse cascade. Our results suggest that, even in rotating flows, the inverse cascade may eventually disappear when the vertical scale is sufficiently large with respect to the forcing scale. We also study how the split cascade and confinement influence the breaking of symmetry induced by rotation.