We report on the first in-beam study of high spin levels in 83y which were established up to 9.0 MeV excitation energy and probable spin of 41/2 + resp. 27/2-by means of the reaction 58Ni(28Si, 3p). Ten lifetimes and six lifetime limits in the 10 -lz-10-9s range were determined in two recoil distance Doppler shift experiments. The positive parity yrast states form a g9/2 Coriolis decoupled band with partial alignment, near-rigid rotor moment of inertia and deformation//2 =0.29. The negative parity yrast band has very similar collective properties; it shows a pronounced band crossing at rotational frequency hco~0.40 MeV which we associate with twoquasiparticle g9/2 proton alignment. At 2.56 MeV excitation, a second AI=I band starting with 17/2-was found. On the basis of the similarity to 85y and the very weak E2 decay of this state, we suggest that this band has (3qp) configuration with an aligned g9/2 neutron pair. The lifetimes of the lowest 2 + and 4 + state in S~Zr populated in the reaction SSNi (2sSi, 2p) were determined to be z(2)= 17.8(11) ps resp. z(4)= 3.5(4) ps.