The decays of 113,114, 115g, 115m, 116pd have been studied with an emphasis on the determinations of total decay energies and absolute ?-ray intensities. The experiments also provided improved data on these quantities for the decays of 114'115g'llSm't16mAg. A search for isomeric transitions using a high resolution electron detector resuited in the identification of isomeric E3 transitions in 115pd and 113,115,116,117Ag" The isomeric branching was determined in all cases. The Qa-values of 113-116pd and 113 116Ag have been measured using a /?V-coincidence method. 21.10.Dr; 23.20.Lv The investigations reported here also include measurements of total decay energies using a/?y-coincidence method. Previous information on the Qp-values in this region was unprecise in most cases and unknown for llSpd"
PACS:The first experimental studies of the short lived Pd and Ag activities discussed here were reported [3][4][5][6][7] several years ago. More detailed information is now becoming available through spectroscopic studies of 113,115pd ' see [8,9] and studies [10] of the even-A isobaric chains. The work reported here forms a part of a very detailed investigation of the level structure of Ag and Cd nuclei. The results of this work are now being prepared for publication [11].