Understanding the nature of two-level tunneling defects is important for minimizing their disruptive effects in various nano-devices. By exploiting the resonant coupling of these defects to a superconducting qubit, one can probe and coherently manipulate them individually. In this work we utilize a phase qubit to induce Rabi oscillations of single tunneling defects and measure their dephasing rates as a function of the defect's asymmetry energy, which is tuned by an applied strain. The dephasing rates scale quadratically with the external strain and are inversely proportional to the Rabi frequency. These results are analyzed and explained within a model of interacting standard defects, in which pure dephasing of coherent high-frequency (GHz) defects is caused by interaction with incoherent low-frequency thermally excited defects.Since the early 1970's, various experiments over a wide range of amorphous solids revealed a universality in their thermal, acoustic and dielectric properties below 1 K.
1-3In an attempt to account for this universal behavior, the existence of two-level tunneling defects as a generic property in amorphous systems was postulated.4,5 This phenomenological standard tunneling model (STM) explains many of the universal low-temperature properties of the amorphous state of matter.6 However, despite extensive efforts, the exact nature of the two-level systems (TLSs) remains unknown.With the recent progress in fabrication, manipulation, and measurement of quantum devices it became crucial to understand the microscopic nature of the environment responsible for decoherence. There exists abundant experimental evidence that TLS-baths form an ubiquitous source of noise in various devices such as superconducting microwave resonators, 7 single-electron transistors, 8 and nanomechanical resonators.9 In superconducting qubits, TLSs residing in the amorphous tunnel barrier of Josephson junctions were found to constitute a major source of decoherence.10,11 Via their electric dipole moment, TLSs couple to the ac microwave fields in the circuit.
12Whereas this coupling is deleterious from the point of view of qubit operation, it opens up the possibility to use superconducting qubits as tools for detection, manipulation and characterization of individual TLSs. The transfer of an arbitrary quantum state from a superconducting phase qubit to a resonant TLS was first demonstrated by Neeley et al..13 This method was used to probe the coherence times of individual TLSs.13,14 Furthermore, in Ref. 15 it was shown that there exists an effective qubitmediated coupling between TLSs and an externally applied electromagnetic ac field. This effective coupling was utilized to directly control the quantum state of individual TLSs by coherent resonant microwave driving.
16Previously, 17 we measured the Ramsey (free induction decay) and spin-echo pure dephasing rates of individual TLSs in a phase qubit as a function of their asymmetry energy, which was tuned by an applied strain via a piezo actuator.18 Since the mutual longitu...