IntroductionNylon 6i so ne of the most widely used polymers and is produced on al arge industrial scale ( % 4million t/a). [1][2][3][4] This importantp olymer has aw ide range of applications, for example in the textile industry in the manufacture of yarn or as thin plastic film for packaging purposes. [2] On an industrial scale, the polymer is produced throughr ing-opening polymerization of e-caprolactam at high temperatures. [1,2,4] The required starting materialf or the synthesis of e-caprolactam is cyclohexanone that reacts with hydroxylamine in ac ondensation reaction to the correspondingc yclohexanone oxime and through an acid-catalyzed Beckmann rearrangement providing the desired ecaprolactam (Scheme 1). [4] The well-established industrial process to obtain cyclohexanone is the autoxidation of cyclohexane, either non-catalyzed or catalyzed by different transition metal compounds such as soluble cobalt catalysts. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] The liquid-phaseo xidationo fc yclohexane is conducted at temperatures up to 130 8Cincombination with highpressures (125-165 8C, 8-15 bar). These conditions are appliedt os horten the retention time to avoid oxidative side reactions. For the same reason, the cyclohexane conversion is limited to 10-12 %p er cycle. [3] One common intermediate in the oxidation procedure is cyclohexyl hydroperoxide which further decomposest oam ixture of the In this study,k nown homogeneous and heterogeneous chromium(VI) catalysts ystems were investigated with respectt o the favored formation of cyclohexanone during the decomposition of cyclohexyl hydroperoxide (CHHP). The focus was on mechanistic studies using differents pectroscopic methods as well as DFT calculations to further optimize the reactionc onditions. As in previous decomposition studies, am echanism via the formation of am etal alkylperoxido intermediate is probable. In situ spectroscopics tudies revealed that in case of both the soluble and insoluble catalyst, the selectived ecomposition happens via an on-radical, non-redox mechanism at the Cr VI stage through the formation of ac yclohexylperoxychromium(-VI) complex.T he proposed mechanism is supported by thorough DFT calculations.