The performance of the diesel engine was determined by the injection pressure of the high pressure common rail system. The observation method of the injection pressure curve was of great value in evaluating the operating conditions of the diesel engine. However, the observation method could make it impossible to directly observe the injection pressure data on a high pressure common rail system in operation. In this paper, common rail pressure signals and control pulse widths, which were easy to collect, were used as the basis for proposing a GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) based model for the observation of injection pressure curves of high pressure common rail system in order to solve the above problem. The accuracy and precision of the model was verified by the experiments and compared with commonly used simulation models. From the results, it was concluded that the overall accuracy of the injection pressure curve observation was similar to that of the simulation model, but the accuracy was higher around the peak of the injection pressure, as well as the equipment requirement was low and the calculation speed was fast. The mean EMD of the curvilinear observation model of injection pressure of high pressure common rail system is similar to that of the 1D simulation model, with 37.88 and 33.62 respectively. The overall difference in injection pressure between the two models is similar with 53.62 and 54.23 MPa respectively. On the same computing platform, the average computation time of the test set containing five states is 0.0113 s, and the simulation time of each running state is 12951.6 s using AMESim software.