Current methods for flow field reconstruction mainly rely on data-driven algorithms which require an immense amount of experimental or field-measured data. Physics-informed neural network (PINN), which was proposed to encode physical laws into neural networks, is a less data-demanding approach for flow field reconstruction. However, when the fluid physics is complex, it is tricky to obtain accurate solutions under the PINN framework. This study aims to propose a physics-based data-driven approach for time-averaged flow field reconstruction which can overcome the hurdles of the above methods.
A multifidelity strategy leveraging PINN and a nonlinear information fusion (NIF) algorithm is proposed. Plentiful low-fidelity data are generated from the predictions of a PINN which is constructed purely using Reynold-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, while sparse high-fidelity data are obtained by field or experimental measurements. The NIF algorithm is performed to elicit a multifidelity model, which blends the nonlinear cross-correlation information between low- and high-fidelity data.
Two experimental cases are used to verify the capability and efficacy of the proposed strategy through comparison with other widely used strategies. It is revealed that the missing flow information within the whole computational domain can be favorably recovered by the proposed multifidelity strategy with use of sparse measurement/experimental data. The elicited multifidelity model inherits the underlying physics inherent in low-fidelity PINN predictions and rectifies the low-fidelity predictions over the whole computational domain. The proposed strategy is much superior to other contrastive strategies in terms of the accuracy of reconstruction.
In this study, a physics-informed data-driven strategy for time-averaged flow field reconstruction is proposed which extends the applicability of the PINN framework. In addition, embedding physical laws when training the multifidelity model leads to less data demand for model development compared to purely data-driven methods for flow field reconstruction.