Annotation. In the treatment of venous thromboembolism, a special place is occupied by patients with congenital anomalies of the development of the inferior vena cava (IVC). To date, only single cases of treatment of this pathology have been described in the literature. Studying the experience of treating patients with congenital anomalies of the IVC will allow to improve the results of treatment of this category of patients. We analyzed the results of treatment of 1243 patients with venous thromboembolism from 2010 to 2022. For the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism, we used duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities, phlebography by spiral computed tomography (SCT), angiopulmonography, and phlebography. 32 (2.5%) patients had bilateral thrombosis of the ileofemoral venous segment. Congenital anomalies of IVC development were diagnosed in 2 (0.16%) patients. One patient had IVC aplasia, the other had IVC hypoplasia. Both patients had bilateral ileofemoral phlebothrombosis. For the treatment of patients with congenital anomalies of IVC and bilateral ileofemoral deep vein thrombosis, we used anticoagulant therapy and elastic compression of the lower extremities. During the study period, venous thromboembolic complications in the form of pulmonary embolism were not recorded, fatal complications were not diagnosed. Massive bleeding was not diagnosed in this category of patients during the study period. Thus, the conducted analysis allows us to state that the use of anticoagulant therapy allows to obtain satisfactory results of treatment of patients with congenital abnormalities of the development of the IVC.