17Whether it be in a single neuron or a more complex biological system like the human 18 brain, form and function are often directly related. The functional organization of 19 human visual cortex, for instance, is tightly coupled with the underlying anatomy. This 20 is seen in properties such as cortical magnification (i.e., there is more cortex dedicated 21 to processing foveal vs. peripheral information) as well as in the presence, placement, 22 and connectivity of multiple visual areaswhich is critical for the hierarchical 23 processing underpinning the rich experience of human vision. Here we developed a 24 geometric deep learning model capable of exploiting the actual structure of the cortex 25 to learn the complex relationship between brain function and anatomy in human visual 26 cortex. We show that our neural network was not only able to predict the functional 27 organization throughout the visual cortical hierarchy, but that it was also able to predict 28 nuanced variations across individuals. Although we demonstrate its utility for modeling 29 the relationship between structure and function in human visual cortex, geometric 30 deep learning is flexible and well-suited for a range of other applications involving data 31 structured in non-Euclidean spaces. 32Keywords 33 human connectome project, fMRI, 7T, vision, cortical surface, manifold, neural 34 network, machine learning, retinotopy, visual hierarchy 35