are subject to thermal degradation due to the heat generation from electrical power dissipation, namely, Joule heating. If this does not cause an insulation failure, the temperature in the polymer-based dielectrics will continue to rise until the cooling of the material is equal to the electrical power dissipation and a steady-state heat flow is established. In many circumstances, this causes an insulation failure, either because the intrinsic breakdown strength is lowered due to temperature rise, or because the conductivity and hence the electrical power dissipation in the dielectrics increases causing a further rise in temperature and thermal degradation.The insulation failure due to the temperature rise is called the thermal breakdown, which is accompanied by either a glass transition (T > T g ) or melting of the polymer (T > T m ), or the avalanche multiplication of electronic charge carriers. [28][29][30] Compared with the electric breakdown and the electromechanical breakdown, the thermal breakdown is perhaps the most obvious form of breakdown mechanism for polymer-based dielectrics. Unfortunately, there is a lack of a quantitative understanding of the thermal effects on breakdown. For example, there can be two approaches to preventing the thermal breakdown. First, the electrical conductivity can be decreased to reduce the Joule heating. Second, the thermal conductivity can be increased to improve the efficiency of the heat dissipation from the materials to the surrounding, so as to cool the materials. However, in many cases, materials with high thermal conductivity also tend to have high electrical conductivity, partly because free carriers carry charges as well as heat, and this is also the fundamental paradox needed to be decoupled in thermoelectrics. [31,32] Therefore, if only one of these two properties is to be optimized, which one is more effective for preventing the thermal breakdown?In a previous work, a phase-field model was developed to simulate the dielectric breakdown process in polymer nanocomposites. [33] It incorporated the phase separation energy, gradient energy, and electric energy. However, thermal energy is not included in the existing model. Therefore, the predicted breakdown strengths and energy densities of various polymer nanocomposites correspond to room temperature. In this work, we extend the phase-field model to include the thermal energy contribution from Joule heating (see Experimental Section and the Supporting Information). We then investigated the thermal Polymer-based dielectrics are attracting increasing attention due to their high-density energy storage. However, mitigating the heat generation in real capacitors has been a challenge. Here an electrothermal breakdown phasefield model is developed to fundamentally understand the thermal effects on the dielectric breakdown of polymer-based dielectrics in real capacitor configurations including the increase in the dielectric loss and the decrease in the breakdown strength. While both enhancing the thermal conductivity and re...