The main theme of this paper is the Thomas-Yau conjecture, primarily in the setting of exact, (quantitatively) almost calibrated, unobstructed Lagrangian branes inside Calabi-Yau Stein manifolds. In our interpretation, the conjecture is that Thomas-Yau semistability is equivalent to the existence of special Lagrangian representatives. We clarify how holomorphic curves enter this conjectural picture, through the construction of bordism currents between Lagrangians, and in the definition of the Solomon functional. Under some extra hypothesis, we shall prove Floer theoretic obstructions to the existence of special Lagrangians, using the technique of integration over moduli spaces. In the converse direction, we set up a variational framework with the goal of finding special Lagrangians under the Thomas-Yau semistability asumption, and we shall make sufficient progress to pinpoint the outstanding technical difficulties, both in Floer theory and in geometric measure theory.