“…The binding target for HBP, the hairpin structure at the 39 end of animal histone mRNAs, has been highly conserved in evolution (Marzluff, 1992;Marzluff & Hanson, 1993;Wittop Koning & Schümperli, 1994;)+ However, the sequences at the 39 end of C. elegans histone mRNAs show a number of important deviations from those of other metazoans+ First, not only the hairpin and the following 4 nt, but also 12 nt preceding the hairpin are virtually invariant among C. elegans histone genes (Wittop Koning & Schümperli, 1994)+ In comparison, the conserved region preceding the hairpin is shorter and more variable in vertebrates (the main characteristic of this region being the absence of Gs)+ Second, the sequence flanking the hairpin on the 39 side is ACA A / U in C. elegans, ACCA in sea urchins and ACCCA in vertebrates+ Moreover, the C. elegans histone hairpins all have a C at the first position of the loop, whereas an invariant U is found at this position in all other metazoans+ Finally, C. elegans seems to lack a wellconserved downstream or spacer element+ The best candidate so far is the sequence A / U AAUCC (Wittop Koning & Schümperli, 1994), which has, however not been confirmed experimentally, since the C. elegans U7 snRNA, supposed to interact with this sequence, has not yet been identified+ Figure 2+ The RNA-protein complexes were quantitated from three independent experiments by PhosphorImager+ The experiment indicates that the new selectivity of both mutant RBDs is mostly for the pyrimidine at the first position in the hairpin loop+ Here we have exploited the availability of cloned cDNAs for human and C. elegans HBP to analyze if the two proteins display similar or different RNA binding specificities+ Interestingly, the C. elegans HBP bound very selectively to its own, but not to a vertebrate hairpin, and this high selectivity was preserved when only the C. elegans RBD was analyzed (Fig+ 3)+ This selectivity was not the result of misfolding of the C. elegans RBD, as it bound to ceHPs RNA with similar affinity as the human RBD (Fig+ 4) and because the binding selectivity was observable over a wide range of salt concentrations (Fig+ 7)+ We further showed that the nucleotide at the first position was mostly responsible for the exclusive binding of the C. elegans HBP and its RBD to its cognate RNA hairpin and that this nucleotide had to be a C (Fig+ 5)+ In contrast, exchanging the sequences flanking the hairpin only slightly reduced the binding of the C. elegans RBD+ This highly selective binding behavior of the C. elegans HBP and its RBD contrasted with that of human HBP+ Both human HBP and its RBD bound about equally well to all the mammalian, C. elegans, and chimeric hairpins analyzed (Figs+ 3 and 5)+ Previous studies had shown that the sequence of the stem and the sequences immediately flanking the hairpin were critical determinants for mammalian HBP binding but that the conformation of the loop was not critical (Pandey et al+, 1991(Pandey et al+, , 1994Williams & Marzluff, 1995)+ However, when the conserved uridine at the first position of the loop was mutated to guanosine, the resulting RNA showed only 15% binding to HBP present in mouse myeloma nuclear extract (Williams & Marzluff, 1995)+ We recently found a similar but slightly weaker reduction in binding of recombinant human HBP to the same hairpin mutation …”