Pulp and paper are manufactured from raw materials containing cellulose fibers, generally wood, recycled paper, and agricultural residues. In developing countries, about 60% of cellulose fibers originate from nonwood raw materials such as bagasse (sugar cane fibers), cereal straw, bamboo, reeds, esparto grass, jute, flax, and sisal. Large amount of toxic effluent is released during process of paper production. Pulp and paper mill spent wash (raw effluent) is highly acidic in nature with high BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, phenol, sulphate, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and metals viz. Mn Zn Cu Ni Fe and Na . Effluent was treated with chemicals FeCl 3 and KMnO 4 . pH was found to increase from 7.8 to 8. 4