Rabbits and mice immunised with chemically extracted O-antigens (O-Ags) of Vibrio cholerae O139 (O-AgB and O-AgD) developed antibodies (Abs) which appeared to be highly speci®c in ELISA for the relevant antigens and V. cholerae O139 strains without absorption, in contrast to the Abs against the heated O-Ag (O-AgH). An ELISA test based on the use of these Abs was shown to detect V. cholerae O139 strains down to concentrations of (9.4 3 10 4 )±(7.5 3 10 5 ) vibrios=ml and demonstrated no cross-reaction with other vibrios including representatives of serogroup O22. Native and proteinase Ktreated O-AgB, O-AgD, O-AgH, as well as whole-cell lysates of V. cholerae O139 strains of different origin were used in immunoblotting with these Abs. Clear differences in the patterns of zones of speci®c reaction between chemically extracted and heated O-Ags and between lipopolysaccharide pro®les of the V. cholerae O139 strains of different origin were observed. Serogroup-speci®c protein bands in the native O-AgB and O-AgD preparations were de®ned. The approach described for obtaining serogroup-speci®c Abs against vibrios and other bacteria seems to be promising for the development of speci®c diagnostic tests and further investigation of bacterial antigenic structure.