This article provides a brief overview of how symptoms of hyperacusis and autophony can occur as a result of a dehiscence in the superior semicircular canal. Hyperacusis is a word typically used to describe hypersensitivity to external acoustic stimuli. In the case of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD), the patient is sensitive not only to loud sounds in their environment but also to the abnormally amplified internal sounds of their body. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence is diagnosed through a combination of case history, audiometric findings, vestibular evoked myogenic potential thresholds, and high-resolution computer-assisted tomography scans. Patients may initially present with auditory or vestibular symptoms or in some cases, both. The anatomy and physiology associated with SSCD will be briefly discussed along with symptoms and treatment options. The presentation of symptoms differs between individuals. Case studies will be utilized to bring all of these elements together.