This review focuses on the considerable amount of research regarding volatile phenols production by Brettanomyces and on microbiological and technological parameters that influence development of these compounds during all stages of grape processing and winemaking. Also, volatile phenols impact on wine aroma and quality and prevention methods were discussed. The yeast genus Brettanomyces is the major microorganism that has the ability to convert hydroxycinnamic acids into significant concentration of phenolic compounds, especially of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol, in red wine. When volatile phenols reach concentrations above the sensory threshold in wine, it is then characterized as wine with fault. In order to control the growth of Brettanomyces and preclude volatile phenols production, it is helpful to keep good quality of grape, winery sanitation, control of oxygen and sulphite level, as well as orderly check physiochemical composition of wine.Key words: wine, volatile phenols, Brettanomyces, growth, factors, prevention
IZVLEČEK HLAPNI FENOLI V VINU: KONTROLNI UKREPI ZA KVASOVKE Brettanomyces/DekkeraTa pregled se osredotoča na znatno število raziskav, ki preučujejo tvorbo hlapnih fenolov s kvasovkami rodu Brettanomyces, ter na mikrobiološke in tehnološke parametre, ki vplivajo na sintezo tovrstnih fenolov v vseh fazah predelave grozdja in predelave vina. Prav tako je obravnavan tudi vpliv hlapnih fenolov na aromo in kakovosti vina ter preventivni ukrepi. Kvasovke rodu Brettanomyces so glavni mikroorganizmi, ki imajo sposobnost pretvorbe hidroksicimetnih kislin v značilne vsebnosti prisotnih hlapnih fenolov v rdečem vinu, predvsem 4-etilfenola in 4-etilgvajakola. Ko hlapni fenoli dosežejo koncentracije nad senzoričnim pragom zaznave za vino, je potem le-to spoznano kot vino z napako. Za nadzor rasti kvasovk rodu Brettanomyces in preprečevanje nastajanja hlapnih fenolov je koristno upoštevati kontrolo kakovosti grozdja ob trgatvi, higienske razmere v vinski kleti, kontrolo količine kisika in sulfita, ter redno kontrolo fizikalno-kemijske sestave vina.