The concept of a Caputo fractal-fractional derivative is a new class of non-integer order derivative with a power-law kernel that has many applications in real-life scenarios. This new derivative is applied newly to model the dynamics of diabetes mellitus disease because the operator can be applied to formulate some models which describe the dynamics with memory effects. Diabetes mellitus as one of the leading diseases of our century is a type of disease that is widely observed worldwide and takes the first place in the evolution of many fatal diseases. Diabetes is tagged as a chronic, metabolic disease signalized by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar), which results over time in serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves in the body. The present study is devoted to mathematical modeling and analysis of the diabetes mellitus model without genetic factors in the sense of fractional-fractal derivative. At first, the critical points of the diabetes mellitus model are investigated; then Picard’s theorem idea is applied to investigate the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the model under the fractional-fractal operator. The resulting discretized system of fractal-fractional differential equations is integrated in time with the MATLAB inbuilt Ode45 and Ode15s packages. A step-by-step and easy-to-adapt MATLAB algorithm is also provided for scholars to reproduce. Simulation experiments that revealed the dynamic behavior of the model for different instances of fractal-fractional parameters in the sense of the Caputo operator are displayed in the table and figures. It was observed in the numerical experiments that a decrease in both fractal dimensions
leads to an increase in the number of people living with diabetes mellitus.