“…Specifically, research into a constellation of constructs associated with impulsivity (e.g., ability to delay gratification, experience of time) define the delinquent as an individual with a short time horizon (Black & Gregson, 1973) who is oriented toward the present (Davids, Kidder, & Reich, 1962), unconcerned about the "social future" (Trommsdorff & Lamm, 1980). and strongly motivated to attain immediate rewards (Roberts, Erikson, Riddle, & Bacon, 1974). Studies of another biopsychological dimension of personality (e.g., sensation seeking; Zuckerman, 1979) have indicated the existence of a positive relationship between antisocial behavior and the desire for involvement in stimulating, pleasurable, and personally gratifying experiences (Romero, 1996;White, Labouvie, & Bates, 1985).…”