We announce and sketch the rigorous proof of a new kind of anomalous (or sub-ballistic) Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound for an isotropic XY chain in a quasiperiodic transversal magnetic field. Instead of the usual effective light cone jxj ≤ vjtj, we obtain jxj ≤ vjtj α for some 0 < α < 1. We can characterize the allowed values of α exactly as those exceeding the upper transport exponent α þ u of a one-body Schrödinger operator. To our knowledge, this is the first rigorous derivation of anomalous quantum many-body transport. We also discuss anomalous LR bounds with power-law tails for a random dimer field. Introduction.-Relativistic systems are local in the sense that information propagates at most at the speed of light. In their seminal paper [1], Lieb and Robinson found that nonrelativistic quantum spin systems described by local Hamiltonians satisfy a similar "quasilocality" under the Heisenberg dynamics. Their Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound and its recent generalizations [2,3] implies the existence of a "light cone" jxj ≤ vjtj in space-time, outside of which quantum correlations (concretely: commutators of local observables) are exponentially small. In other words, the LR bound shows that, to a good approximation, quantum correlations propagate at most ballistically, with a systemdependent "Lieb-Robinson velocity" v.About ten years ago, the general interest in LR bounds resurged when Hastings and coworkers realized that they are the key tool for deriving exponential clustering, a higher-dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem, and the celebrated area law for the entanglement entropy in onedimensional systems with a spectral gap [2,4,5]. These results highlight the role of entanglement in constraining the structure of ground states in gapped systems and yield many applications to quantum information theory, e.g., in developing algorithms to simulate quantum systems on a classical computer [6,7].In this Letter, we announce and sketch the rigorous proof of a new kind of anomalous (or sub-ballistic) Lieb-Robinson bound for an isotropic XY chain in a quasiperiodic transversal magnetic field. The LR bound is anomalous in the sense that the forward half of the ordinary light cone is changed to the region jxj ≤ vjtj α for some 0 < α < 1.Previous study has focused on the dependence of the Lieb-Robinson velocity v on the system details [3], with particular interest in the case v ¼ 0, since it may be interpreted as dynamical localization [8]. In a very recent paper [9], a logarithmic light cone was obtained for long-range, i.e., power-law decaying, interactions. The