Background: There is a paucity of robust research concerning the care experiences of peoplewith advanced dementia within Europe. It is essential to understand these experiences if weare to address care inequalities and create impactful dementia policies to improve servicesthat support individuals and enable family caring.
Objectives: To identify the strengths and weaknesses in daily life perceived by people with dementia and family caring across Europe by exemplifying experiences and the range of typical care settings for advanced dementia care in seven partner countries.
Methods: Twenty two in-depth qualitative case studies were completed in seven European countries across a range of care settings considered typical within that country. Narrative accounts of care illuminated a unique set of experiences and highlighted what was working well (strengths or positive aspects) and not so well (weaknesses or negative aspects) for people with advanced dementia and family caring. A constant comparative method of analysis through thematic synthesis was used to identify the common themes.
Results: Eight key themes were identified; Early diagnosis, good coordination between service providers, future planning, support and education for carers, enabling the person with dementia to live thebest life possible and education on advanced dementia for professional and family caregiverswere all significant and recurring issues considered important for care experiences to bepositive.
Conclusion: People with advanced dementia may have limited opportunities for self-realization and become increasingly reliant on the support of others to maximize their health and well-being. Careful attention must be given to their psychosocial well-being, living environment and family caring to enable them to live the best life possible. Building on what the case studies tell us about what works well, we discuss the potential for integrating the findings into interprofesional learning solutions for the professional workforce across Europe to champion practice-based change.