Finger clubbing can be a single physical finding. In Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome, the primary form of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, it is mostly associated with bone pain, hyperhydrosis, pachydermy and wrinkling of the forehead. In other cases, the presence of clubbing is associated with neoplastic, pulmonary, cardiac or other diseases and is then called Bamberger-Pierre-Marie syndrome, the secondary type of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. The patient's history and careful physical examination, sometimes accompanied by laboratory and imaging studies, leads to the diagnosis. A patient with hereditary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and its clinical symptoms is presented. Surgical correction of the clubbing fingers is demonstrated in the paper with bilateral resection and shortening of the nail bed, nail matrix and resection of soft tissue. Clubbing fingers are rare, but they might be part of a syndrome or a symptom of other diseases. Reconstructive surgery for aesthetic reasons can be performed.