Interspecific differences in relative fitness can cause local dominance by a single species. However, stabilizing interspecific niche differences can promote local diversity. Understanding these mechanisms requires that we simultaneously quantify their effects on demography and link these effects to community dynamics. Successional forests are ideal systems for testing assembly theory because they exhibit rapid community assembly. Here, we leverage functional trait and long-term demographic data to build spatially explicit models of successional community dynamics of lowland rainforests in Costa Rica. First, we ask what the effects and relative importance of four trait-mediated community assembly processes are on tree survival, a major component of fitness. We model trait correlations with relative fitness differences that are both density-independent and -dependent in addition to trait correlations with stabilizing niche differences. Second, we ask how the relative importance of these trait-mediated processes relates to successional changes in functional diversity. Tree dynamics were more strongly influenced by trait-related interspecific variation in average survival than trait-related responses to neighbors, with wood specific gravity (WSG) positively correlated with greater survival. Our findings also suggest that competition was mediated by stabilizing niche differences associated with specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC). These drivers of individual-level survival were reflected in successional shifts to higher SLA and LDMC diversity but lower WSG diversity. Our study makes significant advances to identifying the links between individual tree performance, species functional traits, and mechanisms of tropical forest turnover | hierarchical Bayes | individual variation | secondary forest | species interactions Q uantifying the relative importance of mechanisms that drive community assembly remains a central challenge in ecology. Interspecific variation in ecological strategies is considered a major driver of community assembly and has been classified by Chesson (1) into relative fitness (i.e., per capita population growth rate) differences and stabilizing niche differences (2). These processes act concurrently, and their importance may vary over space and time (3). However, the simultaneous effects of different assembly mechanisms on community dynamics have not been wellcharacterized, particularly in diverse communities such as tropical forests. High dynamism of vegetation composition during tropical forest succession creates an ideal opportunity to investigate the drivers of community assembly.Interspecific niche and fitness differences can be characterized through the lens of interspecific functional trait variation, an approach that can shed light on drivers of community functional composition and dynamics (2, 4, 5). Traits may mediate niche and fitness differences in at least four ways (Fig. 1). First, interspecific trait variation can be correlated with fitnes...