Global organic skin care market is expected to be valued at ₹159 billion by 2027. Asian countries are the most sought after by organic skin care brands due to increasing preference among women to buy products with safer and greener ingredients. Owing to the potential of organic skin care products in the near future, in the current study we have carried out a psychographic segmentation of women who intend to use organic skin care products. At prima facie, the current study is the first that segments young women who are prospects for the organic skin care industry. This is a pioneering approach to understand the lifestyle of women who use skin care products and are interested in using organic skin care brands. The deductive approach of questionnaire survey method has been adapted to collect the responses from purposive sampling of young Indian women using skin care brands. The data was analysed by applying exploratory factor analysis and K-means cluster analysis. The results revealed that three distinctive psychographic sets of young women namely ‘The Pococurante’, ‘The Trailblazers’ and ‘The Moderates’ are based on nine lifestyle factors. Further, the study also highlights the differences between the psychographic profiles from a marketing point of view. It promises to be beneficial to marketers to incorporate lifestyle as a key factor in the marketing mix of organic skin care brands. Depending on the dominant lifestyle factors in each cluster, unique marketing messages can be curated to attract each cluster towards organic skin care products.