.\b!.tract. For many years researchers have envisioned the development of compact high repetition rate tabletop soft x-ray la;er, that could be routmcly used in application in numerous disciplines. With demonstrated average powers of several mW and milliJouk-ln cl pulse encq;y at 46.9nm, the Ne-likc Ar capillary discharge-pumped laser is the first compact laser to reach thrs goal. ln tillS paper we summan~e the development status of high repetition rate tabletop soft x-ray lasers based on capillary drscharge excrtation, and grvc examples of their successful use in several applications. Results of the use of a caprllary discharge pumped 46.9nm laser m dense plasma interferometry, soft x-ray reflcctometry for the determmation of optical constants. characterization of diffraction gratings, laser ablation of materials, and plasma generation are described. The ohscT,·atron of laSing at _'i2.9runline rn Ne-like C'l with output pulse energy up to 10 ).lJ is also reported.