Densely integrated systems in the future will incorporate device and communication technologies that span the domains of digital and analog electronics, optics, micro-mechanics, and micro-fluidics. Given the fundamental differences in substrate materials, feature scale and processing requirements between integrated devices in these domains, it is likely that multi-chip, system-in-package, integration solutions will be required for the foreseeable future. The multi-domain nature of these systems necessitates design tools that span multiple energy domains, time and length scales, as well as abstraction levels. This paper describes a case study of the modeling of a photonic/multi-technology system based on a 3D volumetric packaging technology implemented with Fiber Image Guide (FIG) based technology. It is 64x64 fiber crossbar switch implementation using three Silicon-on-Sapphire mixed signal switch die with flip-chip bonded VCSEL and detector arrays. We show a single end-to-end system simulation of the O/E crossbar working across the domains of free-space and guided wave optical propagation, GaAs O/E and E/O devices, analog drivers and receivers and integrated digital control.