Deep learning provides many convenient methods to help medical practitioners take informed decisions about diverse ailments. The goal of this project is to measure the effectiveness of filters and contrast enhancement techniques qualitatively and quantitatively in classifying lung scan images. Transfer deep learning was used to obtain the necessary results, with DenseNet 121 being the base model. Salt and pepper filter was used to introduce noise, and 3×3 mean and 5×5 mean with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) was used to minimize the effect of noise. All layers excluding the rearmost were frozen, and new dense and dropout layers were added to identify features of computerized tomography (CT) scan images of lungs. The resultant models were of comparable accuracy, where the model with no filter gave the accurate results for the given data, and the one using the 5×5 mean filter gave better adaptability in classification of unseen data. The misclassification between normal and pneumonia affected lungs is relatively higher, because of the lack of distinct features between them.