The thermophysical
properties, viz., densities, ρ, ultrasonic
speeds, u, viscosities, η, and refractive indices, n
D, were measured for the binary liquid mixtures
of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [Bmim][BF4] with N-methylacetamide [NMA] over the whole concentration
range, including those of pure liquids, at temperatures T/K = 293.15–318.15 and at pressure p = 101
kPa. Experimental data were used to determine the excess molar volume, V
E, excess isentropic compressibility, κs
E, excess speed of sound, u
E, excess molar isentropic compressibility, K
s, m
E, deviations in viscosity Δη, and deviations in
refractive index, Δϕ
D. These parameters were fitted to the Redlich–Kister
type polynomial equation. The partial molar volumes and partial molar
compressibilities and excess partial molar volumes and excess partial
molar compressibilities over the entire range of mole fraction and
at infinite dilution were also determined. The observed negative values
of V
E, κs
E, K
s, m
E, and Δη and positive values u
Eand Δϕ
D indicate the strong interactions between the component
molecules of these mixtures.