A transition between the strong ͑coherent͒ and weak ͑incoherent͒ coupling limits of resonant interaction between quantum well ͑QW͒ excitons and bulk photons is analyzed and quantified as a function of the incoherent damping rate ␥ x caused by exciton-phonon and exciton-exciton scatterings. For confined QW polaritons, a second, anomalous, ␥ x -induced dispersion branch arises and develops with increasing ␥ x . In this case, the strong-weak coupling transition is attributed to ␥ x = ␥ x tr or ␥ x tr , when the intersection of the normal and damping-induced dispersion branches occurs either in ͕k ʈ ,Im͓͔ ,Re͓͔͖ coordinate space ͑in-plane wave vector k ʈ is real͒ or in ͕ ,Im͓k ʈ ͔ ,Re͓k ʈ ͔͖ coordinate space ͑frequency is real͒, respectively. For the radiative states of QW excitons, i.e., for radiative QW polaritons, the transition is described as a qualitative change of the photoluminescence spectrum at grazing angles along the QW structure. We show that the radiative corrections to the QW exciton states with in-plane wave vector k ʈ approaching the photon cone, i.e., at Ϸ1.5 meV.