Liquid and glassy oxide materials play a vital role in multiple scientific and technological disciplines, but little is known about the part played by oxygen-oxygen interactions in the structural transformations that change their physical properties. Here we show that the coordination number of network-forming structural motifs, which play a key role in defining the topological ordering, can be rationalized in terms of the oxygen-packing fraction over an extensive pressure and temperature range. The result is a structural map for predicting the likely regimes of topological change for a range of oxide materials. This information can be used to forecast when changes may occur to the transport properties and compressibility of, e.g., fluids in planetary interiors, and is a prerequisite for the preparation of new materials following the principles of rational design. Examples range from the dependence on network connectivity of the transport properties (e.g., viscosity) of glass-forming and/or magma-related oxide melts (3-7) to the role played by atomic packing in determining the elastic behavior of glass (8-10). In the case of open glass-forming structures, the network connectivity often follows from Zachariasen's rules (11), but there is no reliable guide for predicting the conditions under which transformations occur in the character of network-forming motifs, e.g., from AO 3 to AO 4 or from AO 4 to AO 6 polyhedra.With increasing density, oxygen-oxygen interactions are expected to manifest themselves in the structural transformations that occur (12), but the nature of this role is unknown. For example, the oxygen atom number density Ï O will depend on the type of network-forming motifs, can be altered by adding network modifiers, and will increase with density. Nevertheless, a plot of Ï O versus the measured mean A-O coordination number n O A for network-forming structural motifs does not offer a basis for generalization (Fig. 1). It will be shown, however, that if the data are scaled by the volume occupied by an oxide ion V O , and an adjustment is made for the volume occupied by any network-modifying atoms (i.e., atoms other than oxygen that are not at the centers of network-forming motifs), then the resultant oxygenpacking fraction η O does offer a means for rationalizing the structural transformations that occur. An important proviso is that a constant oxide ion size cannot be assumed. Instead, the oxide ion environment has a profound influence as evidenced by the instability of these ions in the gas phase but their omnipresence in condensed matter (13,14). This variability was recognized in the construction of well-known tables of ionic radii (15, 16), although a constant size was assumed for a given oxide ion coordination number. The variability of the oxide ion size is also a key theme in the development of transferable aspherical ion models which have been successful in accounting for many of the structure-related properties of oxide materials (13,14). In the following we use an empirical approach to tac...