We investigate the dynamics of semigroups generated by polynomial maps on the Riemann sphere such that the postcritical set in the complex plane is bounded. Moreover, we investigate the associated random dynamics of polynomials. Furthermore, we investigate the fiberwise dynamics of skew products related to polynomial semigroups with bounded planar postcritical set. Using uniform fiberwise quasiconformal surgery on a fiber bundle, we show that if the Julia set of such a semigroup is disconnected, then there exist families of uncountably many mutually disjoint quasicircles with uniform dilatation which are parameterized by the Cantor set, densely inside the Julia set of the semigroup. Moreover, we give a sufficient condition for a fiberwise Julia set Jγ to satisfy that Jγ is a Jordan curve but not a quasicircle, the unbounded component ofĈ \ Jγ is a John domain and the bounded component of C \ Jγ is not a John domain. We show that under certain conditions, a random Julia set is almost surely a Jordan curve, but not a quasicircle. Many new phenomena of polynomial semigroups and random dynamics of polynomials that do not occur in the usual dynamics of polynomials are found and systematically investigated. Definition 1.2. For each rational map g :Ĉ →Ĉ, we set CV (g) := {all critical values of g :Ĉ → C}. Moreover, for each polynomial map g :Ĉ →Ĉ, we set CV * (g) := CV (g) \ {∞}. For a rational semigroup G, we set P (G) := g∈G