Consider the space W 2,2 ( ; N ) of second order Sobolev mappings v from a smooth domain ⊂ R m to a compact Riemannian manifold N whose Hessian energy |∇ 2 v| 2 dx is finite. Here we are interested in relations between the topology of N and the W 2,2 strong or weak approximability of a W 2,2 map by a sequence of smooth maps from to N . We treat in detail W 2,2 (B 5 , S 3 ) where we establish the sequential weak W 2,2 density of W 2,2 (B 5 , S 3 ) ∩ C ∞ . The strong W 2,2 approximability of higher order Sobolev maps has been studied in the recent paper of Bousquet et al. (J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 17 (4), 2015). For an individual map v ∈ W 2,2 (B 5 , S 3 ), we define a number L(v) which is approximately the total length required to connect the isolated singularities of a strong approximation u of v either to each other or to ∂ Bx 5 . Then L(v) = 0 if and only if v admits W 2,2 strongly approximable by smooth maps. Our critical result, obtained by constructing specific curves connecting the singularities of u, is the bound L(u) ≤ c + c B 5 |∇ 2 u| 2 dx . This allows us to construct, for the given Sobolev map v ∈ W 2,2 (B 5 , S 3 ), the desired W 2,2 weakly approximating sequence of smooth maps. To find suitable connecting curves for u, one uses the twisting of a u pull-back normal framing on a suitable level surface of u.Mathematics Subject Classification 56D15 · 46E35 · 46T20