The interplay of interactions and disorder is studied using the Anderson-Hubbard model within the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation. Treating the interacting, non-local cluster self-energy (Σc[G](i, j = i)) up to second order in the perturbation expansion of interactions, U 2 , with a systematic incorporation of non-local spatial correlations and diagonal disorder, we explore the initial effects of electron interactions (U ) in three dimensions. We find that the critical disorder strength (W Introduction.-The metal-insulator transition (MIT) driven by random impurity has been an important topic in physics since the pioneer work by Anderson [1]. A significant advance in the MIT theory is achieved by studying it in the context of critical phenomena. Concepts from scaling, renormalization group (RG), and random matrix theory are used to understand the mechanism of localization at different dimensions for different symmetry classes [2][3][4][5]. It has been demonstrated that an infinitesimal amount of disorder can lead to localization for the models in the orthogonal class at lower (one and two) dimensions, whereas there is a MIT for three dimensions (3D) [2]. In 3D, a sharp mobility edge separating localized and delocalized states develop as disorder strength increases [6].While the MIT of non-interacting systems by now is fairly well understood [4,5,7], earlier studies suggested that interaction could play an important role in the MIT [8]. Over the last few decades, experimental works ranging from doped semiconductors [6, 9, 10], perovskite compounds [11][12][13][14][15]), to cold atoms in optical lattices [16][17][18][19] have highlighted the importance of the interplay of disorder (W ) [1,2,4,5] and interactions (U ) [6].At the Fermi level, Altshuler-Aronov [20] showed that interactions can induce a square-root and logarithmic singularity in two and three dimensions, respectively, while Efros-Shklovskii demonstrated the Coulomb gap [21]. Field theory perturbative RG method and diagrammatic theory which go beyond the Hartree-Fock approximations have suggested a metallic state for two dimensions [22,23]. The recent RG work by Finkelstein and co-workers has further indicated the possibility of a MIT for a model with degenerate valleys [24], the validity of which was confirmed through experiments in SiMOSFETs [24,25].In this letter, we focus on the system with weak local interactions on disorder systems in 3D. Our approach is