The most sold and/or prescribed liquid oral medicines for children in Tubarão, Southern Brazil, were assessed. Their sugar concentration was tested and compared to those in their directions for use. All pharmacies and pediatricians working in the city were visited by a previously trained interviewer. Pre-tested questionnaires were applied in order to assess the most sold pediatric as well as the most prescribed pediatric liquid oral medicines. Three samples of each medicine were analyzed by Lane-Eynon general volumetric method. Among the 14 most sold/prescribed medicines only four did not have sugar contents (analgesic, cortisone, and syrups). Sugar concentration ranged from 8.59 g/100 g of drug (SD=0.29 g/100 g) to 67.0 g/100 g of drug (SD=6.07 g/ 100 g). Only 50.0% of the total medicines that presented sugar in their ingredients showed this information in their directions.
Foram identificados os medicamentos infantis líquidos de uso oral mais vendidos
Comunicação Breve Brief CommunicationsSugar has been widely added to antibiotics and other pediatric medicines in order to improve their palatability. It is thus an additional source of sugar for pediatric patients, especially those chronically ill, who receive a greater sugar load from liquid medications than healthy children do and, consequently, have high caries prevalence. 3 Most studies addressing this core issue have helped policy decision makers and health professionals to