Bengtson CRG. In vitro study of influence of hardness and elasticity module of adhesive sistems in bond strenght to human dentin [thesis]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia; 2010.The aim of this study is to evaluate hardness and elasticity module of adhesive region of adhesive systems of different formulations immediately and 6 moths after the adhesive procedures. Those values will be compared to microtensile bond strength to human dentin. The hardness and elasticity module of composite resin next to adhesion region, adhesive layer, hybrid layer and dentin were evaluated.Forty sound human molars were used and prepared in order to obtain flat dentin surfaces in which the adhesive systems were applied following manufactures instructions (n=10). The groups were divided according the four adhesive systems:Adper Scotchbond Multipurpose, Adper Single Bond 2, Adper SE Plus and Clearfil SE Bond. Resin blocks of 5mm were constructed in those surfaces. After 24h of storage in distilled water at 37°C restored teeth were sectioned in order to obtain specimen with a bonded area of around 1mm 2 . Two specimen of each tooth were submitted to nanohardness and elasticity module test of adhesive interface. Half of the specimen were immediately submitted to the test with a crosshead speed of 0,5mm/min until fracture, the other specimen were stored for additional 6 month in 37ºC water prior to the test. The values resulting of all variables of the study were compared using ANOVA two-way. For the time factor, it was detected statiscal difference between groups in microtensile bond strength values (p=0,042), adhesive elastic modulus (p=0,000) and adhesive nanohardnes (p=0,000), the lowest values were observed in 6 months of storage. For adhesive factor, all groups presented statistical difference (p=0,000), except hybrid layer nanohardness (p=0,255). Clearfil properties (bond strength, modulus of elasticity of the adhesive and hybrid layer, nanohardness adhesive system and the hybrid layer) may vary depending on the adhesive system and time storage after the bonding procedures have been performed. Moreover, when an adhesive system presents a high elastic modulus of hybrid layer, it will present a high bond strength and low elastic modulus of adhesive layer.