Objectives: The dental medications information application is one of the grave elements in dental practice. Therefore, the review of the updated mobile applications of dental drug information is swotted. Methods: It was revitalized of the literature on the dental drug information mobile software includes the PubMed and Medline search on this topic in numerous methods. The current project of drug information applications reconnoiters through descriptions with accent on market analysis, SWOT analysis, project team, cost management, quality requirements, and risk factors linked issues. Nominated applications had been invigorated, counting the software name, coverage of the medications, frequency updating, and subscription-related. Results: There is no examination about dental medication's mobile applications. There is more than fifteen mobile software suitable for dental providers. The project should be realized through project management professionals tools. The choosing of dental applications includes drug information based on numerous factors, coverage of the scientific data, the level of knowledge, and cost of the subscription. The advantages and disadvantages had studied throughout.
Conclusion:The drug information resources with mobile applications are useful and easily reachable for all dental practitioners' specialties. Therefore, the employment of the dental applications of drug information is highly suggested in dental care.