Assessment of software nonfunctional properties (NFP) is an important problem in software development. In the context of model-driven development, an emerging approach for the analysis of different
NFPs consists of the following steps: (a) to extend the software models
with annotations describing the NFP of interest; (b) to transform automatically the annotated software model to the formalism chosen
for NFP analysis; (c) to analyze the formal model using existing solvers;
(d) to assess the software based on the results and give feedback to
designers. Such a modeling→analysis→assessment approach can be
applied to any software modeling language, be it general purpose or
domain specific. In this paper, we focus on UML-based development
and on the dependability NFP, which encompasses reliability, availability, safety, integrity, and maintainability. The paper presents the
profile used to extend UML with dependability information, the model
transformation to generate a DSPN formal model, and the assessment
of the system properties based on the DSPN results.