Context. The growth of dust grains in protoplanetary disks is not understood in detail. Several studies have proposed the presence of aggregates and irregular grains to overcome the physical barriers in grain growth models. In order to understand the scattering properties of these aggregates, laboratory measurements of light scattering and microwave scattering have been developed over the last 50 years. Aims. We aim to measure the scattering properties of different protoplanetary analog aggregates with fractal dimensions of 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, and 2.8. Methods. We used the microwave scattering technique (microwave analogy) for the measurements. The analog particles were virtually generated and fabricated by 3D printing with a controlled size (scaling factor), geometry, and refractive index. The seven analogs were measured at wavelengths ranging from 16.7 mm to 100 mm, leading to aggregate size parameters ranging from X agg = 1 to X agg = 20. The results were compared to finite element method calculations of the same analogs for cross-validation. Results. The phase function and the degree of linear polarization were deduced from the scattered field measurements of the different aggregates. These scattering properties are compared and discussed as a function of the fractal dimension. Conclusions. The scattering properties of aggregates with different fractal dimensions are different. Three different realizations of aggregates with the same fractal dimension but different monomer configurations yield the same phase functions. We verified that the maximum degree of linear polarization is higher for porous aggregates than for compact aggregates. Furthermore, the maximum polarization occurs at larger scattering angles for high fractal dimensions, while the half width at half maximum of the phase functions present larger values for small fractal dimensions.