The electronic properties of Ge crystals irradiatcd with fast reactor neutrons are studied in the temperature range 1.7 to 300 K. Sb-, Asand Ga-doped Ge are used as original material. It is found that the activation energy of shallow radiation defect levels is 16 meV in the case of low concentration and compensation. Some deepening of the Fermi level a t a degree of compensation = 0.4 is observed which increases the activation energy of the ( E , + 0.016) eV level. Hopping conductivity between shallow radiation defect levels, ( E , + 0.016) eV, is studied. The conclusion is made that the theory based on the percolation model can be used for accounting for hopping conductivity between these levels. The experimental dependence of the extrapolated resistivity g, on the defect concentration is in agreement-with the hopping conduction theory if the Bohr radius of the defect is assumed to be close t o 40 A. 3JIeKTpO@H3HLIeCHHe CBOfiCTBa HpHCTaJIJIOB I' epMaHHR, 06.11yqeHHOrO 6bICTpbIMH pe-aHTOPHbIMH HeBTpOHaMH, HCCJIeJJOBaJIHCb B HHTepBaJIe TeMIIepaTyp B MbIILIbRKOM HJIH I-aJIJIHeM. Hakineao ,9To 3HeprllX aKTMBaUklPl Mej TICHX YpOBHea PaRkIalfklOH-HbIX Ee@eHTOB, B CJIYqae ManOfi KoHUeHTpaUHH H HOMIleHCaUHH PaBHa 16 meV. OTMeqa-177 TO 300 K . KagecTBe ncxoaHoro MaTepnana H C I I O J I~~O B~J I C R repiwamii nermposaHHbiB CYPbMOB, eTcH HeKoTopoe , ,~~T J I~~J I~H H~' ' YPOBHR §epMH, n p~ menem HoMneHcaqHm = 0,4, KO-Topoe npommeTccI B ysenmeHm a~eprrm awmaumi YPOBHR ( E , + 0,016) eV. M3y-YeHa IIpblFKKOBaR IIPOBOHHMOCTL IIO MeJIHHM YPOBHRM PaEHaUHOHHbIX Ee@eKTOB ( E , + f 0,016) e v . AeJIaeTCR BbIBOn, 9 T O TeOpHfl OCHOBaHHaR Ha MeTORaX IIpOTeKaHHR MOl KeT 6bITb IIpllMeHeHa HJIR 06%fiCHeHHH IIpbIXWOBO~ npOBOREi MOCTH IIO BTHM YPOBHRM. 3KC-IIepHMeHTaJIbHaR 3aBHCHMOCTb 3KCTpaIIOJIHpOBaHHOrO YReJIbHorO COIIPOTMBJIeHHR e3 OT KOHlIeHTpaUMH Ee@eHTOB COrJIaCyeTCR C TeOplleB ~p b I~H O B O~~~p O B O~l l M O C T H , eCJIH BeJIH-qHHy 60pOBCKOrO pannyca ne@eHTa IIpHHRTb 6~1~31<0fi Ic 40 A .