A coating layer with pigment is known to reflect radiation, This knowledgecan be used to reduce the haz/lrd of combustible materials exposed to fire. In order to obtain high reflectivities in the infrared range (0.4-10 /LmJ, several dielectric pigments, such as titanium dioxide, iron oxide, and silicon, can be synthesized to polymer caatings. In this numerical analysis of radiation, the effects of the dependent scaaering, the absorption in a polymeric binder, and the internal interface reflection on the reflecJonce are elucidated. The finite volume method is used to solve the nongray radiatiue transfer equation for the absorbing, emitting, and highly anisotropic scattering medium. The resu1Js show that a coating layer with pigment size in the range 1.5-2.5 um and volume fraction in the range 0.1-0.2 is found to be very effective in retarding the surface temperature increase of the substrate. A detailed temperature variation in the semitransparent coating !Dyer and an opoque substrate (polymethyl metacrylute, or PMMAJ is also obtained to examine the thermal effects of the caating with a view towardfire safety.