Introduction Several hot spots of severe freshwater pollution and sediment contamination (mostly heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls) have been identified in Serbia as the consequence of outdated environmental legislation, negligible amounts of properly treated waste waters and accidental spills. Discussion Since ecotoxicological methods have never been incorporated into risk assessment procedures, mandatory effluent discharge or ambient water monitoring programmes, ecotoxicological research, based on bioaccumulation studies, conventional ecotoxicological tests and, recently, biomarkers of exposure and effect have been restricted to independent smallto medium-scale studies, conducted, basically, to confirm, underline or oppose the results of chemical-based monitoring and to lament on inadequate environmental regulations/policy and management practice. Although hot and unresolved ecotoxicological problems still remain beyond the reach of ecotoxicological research currently conducted in Serbia, or are tackled only sporadically, it is to be expected that on-going research and institutional capacity building should, hopefully, increase the competence and competitiveness of scientific community and speed up the process of harmonisation of national environmental legislation and policy with European Union.