The effects of niobium doping on the hysteresis parameters fatigue properties. However, a one-to-one correlation, between the reported influence of niobium on the hysteresis-loop paramof sol-gel Pb 1.1؊ x 2 (Zr 0.53 Ti 0.47 ) 1؊x Nb x O 3 (0 , x , 0.05) have eters and the fatigue properties of thin films and bulk ceramics, been reported for two sets of films with analogous grain has not been clearly established. Ryder and Raman 9 and Amasize and degree of (111) texture but with different surface numa et al. 15 did not observe any improvement of the endurance microstructures. For both sets, a strong continuous decay of properties of PZT thin films with donor doping. Chen et al. 13 the remnant and maximum polarizations and slope of the reported a significantly less-pronounced effect of niobium on hysteresis loop at the coercive field was observed with increasthe endurance characteristics of thin films, as compared to bulk ing niobium concentration. The field dependence of the remceramics. However, fatigue improvement with niobium doping nant polarization for any given niobium-doped film was has been reported by Griswold et al. 7 and Chang and Desu. 16 identical to the functional field dependence of the undoped Few studies have intended to trace the softening effect of reference film, if multiplied by a niobium-concentrationniobium doping on the hysteresis parameters of thin films. The dependent constant. Although the maximum and remnant results, reported to date, are scattered as follows. Tuttle et al. 8 polarizations decayed as the dopant level increased, their reported no effect on coercive field and polarization values at difference remained the same value as that of the undoped niobium concentrations of 2.0 mol% and a degradation of the film at any given field. The width of the loop (at zero polarpolarization values and increase in coercive field for concentraization) was insensitive to the niobium concentration at any tions Ͼ5.0 mol%. Griswold et al. 7 presented a niobium-doped given field. A linear increase in coercive field asymmetry hysteresis loop with remnant polarization that was greater than (up to 40 kV/cm) was observed with niobium addition, yet that reported by Tuttle et al. 8 by a factor of ϳ4; however, the was field independent and, thus, electrostatic in origin. Nioexact niobium concentration and the precise Zr:Ti ratio were bium governed switching through a reduction of the numnot given for the studied sputtered films. From the fatigue profiles ber of switching domains, without changing the total lattice of undoped and niobium-doped films, provided by Griswold polarization response. Microstructure-related effects on et al., 7 the switchable polarization of the doped film is lower switching, such as decreased volume fraction of ferroelecthan that of the undoped one, at the beginning of the fatigue tric material or field-screening effects due to the presence of experiment. Ryder and Raman 9 reported systematically on the a pyrochlore second phase, were eliminated as the origin of dependencies of t...