, has initiated a three-phase program with the Consortium for CoalWater Mixture Technology, with the a i m of decreasing DODs reliance on imported oil by increasing its use of coal. The program is being conducted as a cooperative agreement between the Consortium and DOE.Activities this reporting period are summarized by phase.Phase I is nearly completed. During this reporting period, coal beneficiatiodpreparation studies, engineering designs and economics for retrofitting the Crane, Indiana boiler to f i e coalbased fuels, and a 1,000-hour demonstration of dry, micronized coal were completed. In addition, a demonstration-scale micronized-coal water mixture (MCWM) preparation circuit was constructed and a 1,000-hour demonstration f k n g MCWM began. Preparation of the Phase I final report has started. PHASE I1
PHASE IWork in Phase II focused on emissions reductions, coal beneficatiodpreparation studies, Emissions reductions investigations involved literature surveys of NOx, S02, trace metals, and economic analyses of coal use.volatile organic compounds, and fine particulate matter capture. In addition, vendors and engineering firms were contacted to identify the appropriate emissions technologies for the installation of commercial NOx and SO2 removal systems on the demonstration boiler. Information from the literature surveys and engineering firms will be used to identify, design, and install a control system(s). preparation procedures, and on the development of advanced processes for beneficiating high ash, high sulfur coals.Work also continued on determining the basic cost estimation of boiler retrofits, and evaluating environmental, regulatory, and regional economic impacts. In addition, the feasibility of technology adoption, and the public's perception of the benefits and costs of coal usage was studied. A coal market analysis was completed.
PHASE I11Work continued on the refmement and optimization of coal grinding and MCWM Work in Phase I I I focused on coal preparation studies, emissions reductions, and economic Coal preparation studies were focused on specific coal-cleaning options and their associated analyses of coal use.ancillary operations and integration of processingkleaning operations for overall system optimization.Emissions reductions investigations included algal studies for trace metal capture and C02 uptake.The economic study focused on determining cost and market penetration, selection of incentives, and regional economic impacts of coal-based fuel technologies. In addition DODs fuel mix is being determined and a national energy portfolio is being constructed. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 r .
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LIST OF FIGURESFIGURE 1-1. FIGURE 1-2. FIGURE 1-3. FIGURE 2-1. FIGURE 2-2 FIGURE 2-3 FIGURE 2-4 FIGURE 2-5 mGURE 2-6 FIGURE 2-7 FIGURE 2-8 FIGURE 2-9 FIGURE 3-1.FIGURE 3-2.FIGURE 3-3. HGURE [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] FIGURE 3-31 FIGURE 7-1 FIGURE 7-2 FIGURE 7-3 FIGURE 7-4 FIGURE 7-5 FIGURE 7-6 FIGURE 7-7 FIGURE 7-8 FIGURE 7-9 FIGURE 7-10 FIGURE 7-1 1...